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Monday, May 9, 2011

White Pelican, White Blackbird, Goldfinch Gold

White Pelican Flotilla -Black Tipped Wings

While working outside recently I noticed these lovelies floating down from the sky landing on the lake near my house. They just arrived in late April and they flock together in groups of 14-20. The white pelican migrates through Colorado at this time of year. Here are some quick photos of the birds.

Note open beak to the left.

Leucistic RWBB- latest sighting late April

 Leucistic RWBB and his/her flock

Male Goldfinch enjoying the view and the food


  1. My, things are active at your house these days!! Need to come up there for a visit. :)

  2. I am researching for my book about a dragon hatching in the spring in a mountain pond. Your site here has been a great help!
